Our weekend started Saturday morning by our car not starting. It happened because on Friday, Jasmine fell asleep in the car...as she sometimes does. I took advantage of the situation and was able to read the newspaper for about the 2-3rd time since returning from Vietnam. I left the overhead light on... so the battery was dead. After AAA jumped the battery and the computer in the car still seemed to be malfunctioning, I took it into a local garage and had it fixed in about 18 seconds. From there it was all fun for the rest of the weekend.... even though I missed my morning workout. My body gets stiff if I don't exercise every day. Missing one day is kind of ok...but missing 2 days in a row:( .... is not good.
We made it to the Casa Grande Chili Cookoff by about 10:30, tasted all the Chiil's, voted for the one we thought was best, played on the playground for awhile, then went home to get ready to go out with Joan, Jolee and David. First we went to a nice Chinese restaurant in Tempe, then to the Chinese Art Academy dance recital. The dancers ranged from age 3 to adult and all were very talented. They also had an art exhibit with some amazing drawings by young children. We got home really late and slept in on Sunday morning.
This morning, Jasmine opened the present from Joan and Jolee for her adoption finalization. It was a little Disney music box. There was also another bag with an "adoption necklace" in it, which I thought was for Jasmine.... but later Joan told me it was for me:) Jasmine wore it all day today... and it looks like it might be hers at this point.
Today we went to the Renaissance fair, ate junk food and rode some rides. The games will be more appropriate for Jas when she gets a little older.
Opening present from Jolee
Judging the chili
Looking at the fish with Jolee. We forgot to take the goofy bib off... but it *has* saved a few dresses.
At the Chinese Dance
Jasmine and Jolee
At the Renaissance fair eating an orange icee.
Photo with a fairy
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