Today, after going to Kid's Club (the gym) and swimming lessons, we went to the FCC/FCV (Families with Children from China/Vietnam/Cambodia/Malaysia) New Year party at Tempe Kiwanis Park. The weather was a perfect 70 degrees, sometimes even too hot in the direct sun.
We started in the kid's section in Jazzy's favorite place.... the bouncy house. She was in there forever before I could get her out. We then went over to the tee shirt making booth where we stenciled red Asian designs on her shirt... a lantern, dragon, bonsai tree and other designs. There were many other booths.... face painting, necklace making, sticker designs.... and of course the cake walk where I was assigned to work. Jazzy did the cake walk many many times and never won. I don't think she understood the process because she kept looking at the table with all of the cakes on it and asking for a cake..... even though she didn't win one:(. Since I had to stay there and work for awhile, she put on her sunglasses, laid on the grass and took a short nap.
We had a nice Asian lunch, and the entertainment was continuous. Chinese dragons, storytellers, drummers and musicians.
There was even a "parade" of kids according to the Province from which they came from in China/Vietnam/Cambodia or Malaysia. It was a really fun day, but Jasmine fell asleep in the car within 3 seconds of us getting in.... and I am not exaggerating!
Modeling the tee shirt Jasmine made
Jasmine eating lunch
On stage next to the Vietnam sign
Very worried when the dragons came into the audience
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