Last night, Jasmine graduated from beginner to intermediate at the USA Swim Kids Child Development Center in Mesa. At this center, they only focus on "safety", not so much on regular swimming. To graduate from beginner to intermediate, they have to be able to jump in the water and immediately turn onto their back and float for 10 seconds, then swim to the side of the pool and climb out completely on their own. When they graduate, the child gets to go ring a bell and an announcement is made. Then they have their picture taken while "olympic theme music" is being played.
At her other swim lessons, Jazzy can swim thru a hula hoop under water as well as swim with the overhand stroke for part of the width of the pool. She doesn't keep up with the other kids in her class since they are twice her size, but she is doing amazingly well. I was watching the Mommy and Me baby class, which is where we were last year at this time and thinking that she has made amazing progress. I am so proud of her. She has turned out to be a great swimmer.
Here she is ringing the bell.
Getting her picture taken while the music is playing. People clapping.
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