We had our big Easter party at school today. The kids had previously made little Easter baskets out of plastic milk cartons. Of course, Jasmine's pictures/rabbits/anything she draws, always have pink glasses on. (She gets her pink glasses back tomorrow after having the lenses changed. She does tend to "cheat" with the smaller wire glasses- which is why the optometrist wants her to wear the pink glasses a bit longer).
The class made strawberry short cake. Very easy- even I could do it. Made with the little short cakes, whipped cream and strawberries. The Easter baskets were filled with little plastic eggs with all kinds of things in them- stickers, candy, pennies, erasers, etc- brought in by several of the parents. Jasmine filled all of her little eggs that we brought in with candy and stickers. One of the boys in the class, Jaxon, fell from a fence and broke his leg.. so we made him some extra eggs. Apparently, he has a internal fixation device and is in a wheelchair:(. He will be back in school next week until he has the pin removed.
The class also has little chicks which were supposed to have hatched from eggs that they incubated in the playroom. Apparently, the eggs didn't hatch.... so the teacher secretly purchased little chicks from a farmer who is going to take the chicks back in a week or so. The kids still think the eggs hatched overnight from the eggs they incubated.
Making a little chick with pre-school teacher Mrs. Slama
Reading with Mrs. Slama, Josephine, Kiera, Addis,
Showing her baby the little chicks.
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