This morning was Aaron Abrahamson's 5th birthday party at the Scottsdale Railroad Park. I've lived here for almost 30 years and have never been to this park. It's kind of like the Railroad Park in Irvine, CA that we visited close to my dentist's office in Los Angeles. I didn't realize that it is actually a museum for old retired trains- the Pullman boxcars, old steam engines, etc. They actually have an entire building just for a model train exhibit. All of the buildings.... even in the play area, resemble the "Old West" buildings. There is a miniature bank, barber shop, post office, and of course the miniature train which goes around the entire park- an entire Scottsdale block. There are nice air conditioned box cars for parties- complete with their own kitchens- which was really nice because it was already 100 degrees at 9AM when we got there!
Jasmine ready to go with Aaron's present- a little kindergarten computer to help learn words, sentences, letters, numbers, etc.
Let's get this party started!. Jazzy with Athena, Aaron, and Aarick- waiting for others to arrive. I felt like I was at their family's reunion because all of the grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins were there- many with New York accents and New York tee shirts and baseball caps on:)
Riding the carousel with Aaron and Oliva (both from pre-school) in front.
Who wants ice cream and cake?
I have alot to live up to for Jazzy's party after this:)
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