Tonight I let Jazzy open her presents even though her birthday is tomorrow. We have such a busy day tomorrow... go to the grocery store before school to get cupcakes or something for her class at school (even though the kids cannot have them until they are walking out the door and waiting to be picked up to go home because it is too "distracting" - Too distracting for kindergartners!!)
Then we have Jazzy's birthday party right after that at Pho An Sen.... so I think she will just collapse after that.
Tonight we had to go have a required insurance "check up" to get a referral to the ophthalmologist that we have been visiting for the past 2.5 years. I called the other day to start setting up the pre-surgical evaluation for Jasmine's eye surgery possibly some time in December. They said that since I had changed my insurance, I needed to get a "referral" from another physician to continue going there. What a waste of time. So, I got the vaccine lecture.... It is just coincidence that Jasmine had diarrhea for one year after her last vaccine. Just coincidence that it went away after a homeopathic remedy, and just coincidence that the diarrhea started up again just recently and went away again after her homeopathic remedy. I was also told that Jasmine will be fluoride and mineral deficient because she is not drinking tap water:)) The woman was almost comical. So ignorant!
Also, Jasmine is not even on the growth scale.... but it was a growth scale for overweight oversized American kids, not the Vietnamese growth scale... where she is only slightly small. I was also chastised that I don't take her in on a regular basis to get her height and weight taken.... as if I can't do that myself? No wonder the general public is so naive when we have such stupidity coming from people who should know better. Definitely not going back there again!. Glad it's over with.
Jasmine opening her presents. Pet Vet Barbie came with a little Chihuahua complete with an E-collar, an little chart, a doctor bag, and a little dog bone. Pet Vet Barbie got changed pretty much immediately into her mini-dress and high heels The V-tech camera was a huge hit. I have never been so photographed in my life... talking on the phone, sleeping, working, eating, a close up of my nose, Barbie's face.... many others. Jasmine also got a little pink drum set because the Vision Therapist told me that kids who can march to a metronome, play drums, keep a beat.. are better readers...according to studies.
Tomorrow is another big party day. Right now we are going to have a healthy salmon and vegetable dinner because we are so protein deficient!!! and tomorrow will be a not so healthy diet day:)
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