Sunday, February 5, 2012

Quotes from the past 24 hours.....

Last night, we were reading Jasmine's Life Book.. her adoption and life story book. She asked, "Mom, did you live by yourself before you came to the orphanage to pick me up". I said "yes". Then she said in a long moaning voice, "Ohhhhh Mommmyyyyy, that is sooooooo saddddd!. I am sooo sssooorrrryyy" ! I thought she was going to cry. Then there were 100 questions for about a half an hour. "Why did you live alone?" "How could you live alone"? "Why, why, why". "What did you do when you lived alone". "But you didn't have anyone to play games with"... Well, that part is true, but let's see: things I didn't say... Well, when I lived alone, I had much less laundry to do, *alot* less house cleaning.... didn't have to clean greasy hand prints from the walls, (I'm not talking about Jasmine here), didn't have to cook plus do all the dishes, both plan and pay for the vacation, did what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it, had sometimes more money... and sometimes less money just depending on the person, got alot more sleep, and didn't have alot of drama. So, what I said was something like.... "There are alot of people who live alone". Actually I read or heard that right now, around 61% of all households now are single people living alone. It would probably be more if it wasn't for the economy. So, I still don't think she understands how someone could live alone:)

Next quote:
Tonight, Jasmine was riding her bike down the street and completely wiped out. She didn't cry or get upset, but when she got up she said in a very news-castorish voice......"That crash will cause some *major* delays tonight."!!! What! I cannot imagine where she comes up with these things. I listen to KTAR News/Weather/Traffic in the mornings.... so I can only surmise that she heard it on the radio!:)) Maybe she will be a comedian some day.:))


thomas baker said...

Looks like Jazzy got her "candy dinner" after all. She certainly looks happy with that candy pizza. Go Jazzy!!!!! Grandma

Judy said...

She went crazy when she saw that "make your own pizza" booth...