Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Spanish Immersion Camp...

This week, Jazzy is in a Spanish Immersion Camp in Gilbert. I wanted to save this camp for last so that Spanish would be fresh in Jazzy's mind prior to starting school again in about 2 weeks. The camp is run by the Spanish teacher from Dobson Academy, Ms. Claudia. I actually do not know Ms. Claudia's last name! Everyone just calls her Ms. Claudia. She owns the Spanish Immersion pre-school... which is where the camp is held for "older" kids. Today, they talked about objects like "pencil", "school", made some crafts (a drawing of a pencil that was decorated). Then, they "painted" marshmallows with melted chocolate and decorated them with all kinds of sprinkles, gummy bears, and pretzels. I asked Jasmine the Spanish name for pencil, school, chocolate, marshmallow, etc.... The answer was "I don't know", "I don't know", "I don't know".......!!!
Jasmine and Ms. Claudia at "Spanish Camp".

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