Sunday, November 11, 2012

Autumn Antics 2012

Peoria Polar Ice Autumn Antics. A competition judged solely on artistry, presentation, and interpretation of the music. Jazzy did the same routine with a couple of changes... which we are probably going to do for quite awhile. "These Boots Are Made for Walking". 1962 version by Nancy Sinatra. Jazzy won 1st place unanimously from all 5 judges. I kind of felt sorry for the little kids that didn't get a medal:( Looking at photos from last time with Jaime and Kiki.
Watching the show with Kiki, her little brother Grant, and trying to hide- grandmother Arlette who must live at the ice rink. I have never been there when she was not there.
Annali explaining to Jazzy that she must smile:) Annali was Pocohontas.
Jaime and Jasmine.

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