Saturday, November 17, 2012

Wild Science Academy

Jazzy is in two programs at the zoo: Zookeepers and Wild Science Academy. They have weekend classes periodically thru the year. I am trying to get in as much zoo learning and experience as possible without having to go there in the summer. Today was the Wild Science Academy "Hide and Seek" for 5-7 yr olds. It was really in depth for that age group- I thought. First they did some classroom discussion with a huge video screen. They talked about mimicry, autotomy (where the animal loses an appendage to escape from a predator), warning colors, patterns, bioluminescence, freeze defense, counter-shading like a penguin or stingray has- two different colors/shades to hide when depending on which direction the predator sees. On and on... many others. Then they walked around the zoo... drawing in their journal and talking about the terms. Of course, parents aren't allowed to go because it is "too disruptive to the animals".... What a bunch of crap! .. especially when we have a zoo membership and have to pay extra for all the classes. I sent them an email last week telling them so... and they responded with the usual robotic answer "It's just our policy"... blah, blah, blah.... Anyway, Jazzy had a good time despite my disdain for the Phoenix Zoo. Of course we had to ride the Merry Go Round, and go down the big Ice Slide which the zoo has set up in the winter. Had to leave early to go to Jazzy's first sleep over ever....
Learning about bioluminescence.

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