Saturday, July 20, 2013
Cactus Classic in Scottsdale...
Today we were at the Cactus Classic Skating Competition in north Scottsdale ALL day. Jasmine skated the Annie Dramatic Program in the morning and got 3rd place, then her Artistic Program "Boots" wasn't until 5 PM, and she received 2nd place. The same judges judge pretty much every competition, and I think they are getting sick of seeing her do the same program over and over the past year, even though we change it every time she moves up a level. So, starting in the fall, we are going to do all new artistic and dramatic programs... after we get the new Freeskate Program down pat. OMG- SO much work!! especially for ME! So, we probably could have gone home in between the morning and evening programs, but north Scottsdale is just far enough that if we drove home, we wouldn't be there all that long. In the afternoon - just to kill some time- we went to a Cavy and Rabbit Show that we always attend on this weekend since Jasmine was 3 yrs old. It was much smaller than usual- for some reason. The Cavy Show was only a couple of miles from the Ice Den, so it worked out fine. Next we went to an Asian restaurant- Wok Box, then next door to Gigi's Cupcakes. I am pretty sure that Gigi's Cupcake store was on that show "Cupcake Wars". Jasmine picked out 4 Strawberry Shortcake cupcakes that were supposed to partially go to Jaime and Jasmine's friend Kiki Owens. Kiki had already gone home, and Jaime declined since she was going to a birthday party/dinner right after the competition, so now we have these extra cupcakes that we really didn't need. Long day...have to pack tomorrow to go to Big Bear Lake, wash the car, do a million errands... then FINALLY leave on Monday.
Jasmine and her friend Mia Cornis who skates with her at Chandler Polar Ice.
Getting ready to go to the Cavy Show with her Guinea Pig shirt on.

I really didn't get any photos at the Cavy Show since it was so small and we didn't stay there very long.
I have given up on getting normal photos of Jasmine sometimes. She just constantly makes faces and sticks out her tongue. It gets annoying after awhile. Here is Jaime, Jasmine and Emma Erlandson- a very nice and really funny little girl. Emma will be a comedian some day when she grows up:) Also, Jaime told me today that she and her husband are going to start the adoption process pretty soon. She wants to adopt because she (Jaime) is adopted. I told her to plan on spending much much much more time and money than if she just had a biological child:))
Ashley Osbourne and Jasmine. Her dad is my favorite person--NOT. He's the self-proclaimed ice police at Chandler Polar Ice (long story) kind of like the George Zimmerman of Chandler Polar Ice... but his daughter is good friends with Jasmine. Fun day.
The little yellow dot is Jasmine skating with the judges watching:)
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