To Jasmine: You look prettier all the time. I like your hair longer, too. You made a good cowgirl in your costume for school. Happy Halloween, Jazzy!
Judy: It's setting up to be a stormy, windy Halloween night here. Trick or Treat is being cancelled or rescheduled in many towns. That's because weathermen predict T-storms, possible straight line winds and rain tonight here in central OH. Our town just cancelled Trick or Treat tonight and now it will be on Sunday afternoon. So, it looks like it may be a spooky Halloween here. High winds, maybe an isolated tornado. Power probably will go out, the news guys warn, so we can shiver in the chilly, damp air as the wicked winds howl and rattle the windows and doors. Boo! Happy Halloween!
Yes, I heard that many trick or treaters will be indoor in a mall or as you said, on Sunday. The City of Tempe, in all of their wisdom, chose this week to re-surface our streets, so no cars allowed. That's ok since no one turns on their lights and they pretend they are not home anyway. We might go over to Katie's house for trick or treating because their neighborhood uses any excuse possible to have a "block party". Tina, our dog sitter lives on the same street, so we might hit her up for some candy. However, Jasmine has been such a brat the past couple of days, I told her that there is a possibility that she may not be going trick or treating. Yes, her hair is finally starting to fill in a bit- after all these years!:) Happy Halloween!
To Jasmine: You look prettier all the time. I like your hair longer, too. You made a good cowgirl in your costume for school. Happy Halloween, Jazzy!
Judy: It's setting up to be a stormy, windy Halloween night here. Trick or Treat is being cancelled or rescheduled in many towns. That's because weathermen predict T-storms, possible straight line winds and rain tonight here in central OH. Our town just cancelled Trick or Treat tonight and now it will be on Sunday afternoon. So, it looks like it may be a spooky Halloween here. High winds, maybe an isolated tornado. Power probably will go out, the news guys warn, so we can shiver in the chilly, damp air as the wicked winds howl and rattle the windows and doors. Boo! Happy Halloween!
Yes, I heard that many trick or treaters will be indoor in a mall or as you said, on Sunday. The City of Tempe, in all of their wisdom, chose this week to re-surface our streets, so no cars allowed. That's ok since no one turns on their lights and they pretend they are not home anyway. We might go over to Katie's house for trick or treating because their neighborhood uses any excuse possible to have a "block party". Tina, our dog sitter lives on the same street, so we might hit her up for some candy. However, Jasmine has been such a brat the past couple of days, I told her that there is a possibility that she may not be going trick or treating. Yes, her hair is finally starting to fill in a bit- after all these years!:) Happy Halloween!
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