Wow- What a long and challenging couple of days. Thursday night- "check in"- a very long and tedious process that takes a couple of hours going from station to station making sure that each "card" for each competition category is filled out properly. Then practice sessions for "Talent" and "Casual Wear Modeling". Practice session for "I Love You Arizona".

Yesterday we were at the Scottsdale resort from early in the morning until around 10 pm. I brought a cooler of food for Jasmine- which she ate - somewhat unusual. We had an orientation and "group photo". One hundred and three girls in her age group (7-9 yrs) "Jr Pre-Teen.

Next was the "Optional Talent". We have been practicing this for almost a year, stressing the importance of a smile. Not a single crack of a smile from Jasmine during the performance!

Waiting in the dressing room
then waiting to go onstage.

Next, some quick "workshops" for the formal wear program later in the evening, then the "Top Model" photoshoot. Parents not allowed- which is a good thing. I am not sure how she did yet.

Making the goofy face- as usual. Then, the actress competition which again,- we have been practicing for around a year or so. Jasmine did a commercial for "Claire's". Not a single smile from her again:(, although she said her lines really well.

Casual wear modeling was next. We chose and outfit (shades of pink, of course) and the theme "Sunday Out"

Next, "personal introduction" onstage and "personal interviews" with the six judges.

She did smile a little and spoke really loudly when she gave her 30 second introduction. Not sure how she did with the individual judges because parents not allowed again. This part of the competition takes HOURS. Since we are at the end of the alphabet, we were one of the last ones to get out of there. However... the people at the end of the alphabet get to show up later today, rather than earlier.. yeah! Waiting for her "personal interview"- making faces, as usual!

We had a little break before the formal wear competition. I'll be glad when all those teeth grow in:))

Annali and her mom Kathy came to watch the formal wear competition! It was a fun and hectic day. Not really sure we'll be able to do it again due to the expense. I'll be really happy if Jazzy makes it into the top 20- but we'll see. There were several "older" girls who had already turned 10 who were very articulate and uh...better behaved than Jasmine and the younger girls. We'll find out later today!
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