So glad this is over!!! I learned about Cleve Backster from David Wilcock. "We" thought we would do a little mini version of a Cleve Backster-ish experiment. We started with three equal sized Mexican Tarragon plants, transplanted them into pots with organic soil, and watered each daily. On most days with quite a bit of coaxing and whining, Jasmine gave one plant the emotion of love for one minute, the emotion of hate/negativity for one minute to another plant, and no emotion to the third plant. We measured each plant on three dates to compare the growth rate. The one given love definitely grew faster. I REALLY don't want to do this again next year. For what it is worth (probably nothing), I am going to talk to the principal to see if somehow it can be made into an optional projection instead of being required. Pain in the rear making the board by myself, and I really don't think Jasmine learned much of anything about it.
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