Two skating classes Saturday morning... our regular "Specialty Class" where they work on jumps, spins, and power skating, then a new class called "Theater on Ice". I thought it would be good for Jasmine to take the class since she is so unexpressive in her skating. Only two people signed up since there was a competition that day. So...they made the class free since it was the first time they were offering it. Suddenly there were 9 people in the class. Next off to Charlotte and Camille's birthday party- two twin sisters who are alternately in Jasmine's class at school. They always have a book exchange at their party. Here's all the kids crowding around waiting for their number to be called so they can get the book of their choice:)

A dog book, of course!

From the birthday party, we went straight to the end of the year Chandler Children's Choir cookout at Tumbleweed park:)

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