Howl-O-Ween at the Phoenix Zoo! There must have been around 10,000 people there. Most crowded I've ever seen the place. It was divided up into "scary" for the older kids, and "non-scary" for the younger kids. Of course, we did all of the non-scary things like crafts, the carousel, trick or treating on the Arizona Trail..which took forever since it was so crowded. The most fun thing we experienced was the new 3-D Theater at the zoo. We watched a movie about some ghosts- which was not scary at all. Every time there was water in a scene (which was often), sprays of water went all over us. Any time there was a loud noise, the chairs would shake. In one scene, rats were scurrying across the floor, and there were little puffs of wind on your feet which felt like rats on the ground:) They even had hot and cold "wind" that corresponded with various scenes:) Luckily, it was still in the high 80's outside, or we would have been cold from getting so wet.
Here is Morticia- without her wig which she took off prior to even getting out of the car-due to the heat. Hair is flattened down:)

Trick or treating- too hot to wear costume!
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