Wilderness First Aid Certification thru Solo Wilderness Medicine Group. These guys work for the MCSO (Maricopa Sheriff's Office) and do many amazing rescues- which I hear about on TV all the time. People come to Arizona thinking they can go hiking in the summer, or even in the winter, with very little water or supplies. They get lost, dehydrated, and sometimes die:( It was a long weekend of very few breaks. We did much outside work "rescuing" people from various scenarios -from more simple cuts and bruises to major fractures, spinal traumas, etc. Jasmine was doing her homework part of the time (sort of), and playing with Leslie's dog- Candy- most of the time:)

With "Sparky" the owl- who is kind of difficult to see. He is called Sparky because he was caught in some electrical wires apparently!

Leslie, my very long term client and her dog Candy who is a "rescue dog" among many other talents. Leslie is a professional dog trainer who has a habit of taking dogs (German Shepherds in particular) from German Shepherd rescue groups and turning them into herding dogs, rescue dogs, or a service dog of some type. Candy is a great example of that!

There were Wilderness EMT's taking the class as part of their CE requirements. I didn't realize that EMT's had "specialties". A wilderness EMT has much more experience and responsibility than a "regular EMT". My partner was Andi (a wilderness EMT) who was taking the class and helping out. In this photo, she had fallen off a cliff, fractured her wrist and ankle and had dislocated her knee. After making sure all else was well, I was supposed to splint her for transport with anything we could find. Luckily, she had many of the items in her backpack.

In front and in back of the North Mountain Visitors Center.

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