A bunch of us took a little trip to Tucson last night and saw the "Crystal Trio"- three men from Siberia who play crystal glasses, pipes and flutes. The performance was at "Sea of Glass"- one of the venues owned by Avalon Ecovillage/Global Communication Community Alliance. The performers have an equivalent to a PhD in music and have studied music almost exclusively since childhood. They originally specialized in the accordion until they became interested in the crystal instruments. They played Brahms, Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, as well as Disney songs:) and perform all over the world. They also have classes and performances for kids.

I checked out their instruments at the intermission:)

Jasmine slept thru the entire performance. At least she got it subconsciously!

I spent most of the day in the Jr. High and High School. They asked me to teach a Comparative Anatomy class - which was kind of fun:)
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